Welcome to Lotus


Made by Chonny Jash

Yoinked from the wiki

Mind thinks that he should always be in control, and that he knows what's best for Whole, and everyone else. (Although heart heavily disagrees.) Mind states multiple times that his logic is greater, and that he has more power, (or should get more power.) and won't hesitate to threaten to harm Heart to get his way. Mind and Soul somewhat get along, but Heart thinks that Mind truly doesn't care about Soul or Heart, and that he just wants to be in full control of Whole. Mind's lines in songs can usually be determined by the background color and text, Mind has a white background with black text [although in earlier songs it's sometimes the other way around], as well as sometimes square parenthesis surrounding it like this: "[song lyric]". Mind tends to hide his emotions, and sees things from a logical point of view, and claims that seeing things from an side, is 'weak.' Each character is often shown in the fandom using different styles of brackets. For mind, those brackets would be [these square brackets].


Both fanart and canon pictures.

mind!!mind image 2!!Mind image 3!!

mind fanart by cinnamonsly on tumblr.